Red Tent Temple Training

Nov 2nd 2023- Sept 5th 2024

Have you felt a calling in your heart to serve and help guide others, creating an impact in your community and the world?

Are you devoted to the path of feminine embodiment, ancestral healing and awakening a sacred connection with your womb cycle?

Are you holding space for others and wish to journey deeper into the Mystery path of the Red Tent to facilitate further transformation for women of all ages?

Are you ready to connect with the ceremonialist within you, surrendering to the Divine and claiming your leadership in sacred service to the Feminine and Earth?

If you have answered YES to any of these questions, then we are inviting you to join us for this 9 month initiatory Temple Training, where you will deepen into the wisdom of the womb and begin to embody the blueprints and energetic signature of an empowered Womb Guide.

It is time to take everything you’ve learned, through all the dark times and challenges in your life and birth your own unique practice into the world!! It is time to walk the path of love and service towards a greater future for all of humanity, seeing women rise!!

 Are you ready to share your story and womb song with other brave, bold and intelligent women?

This program calls forward the women whose hearts yearn for community and radical change.

You are a creator bringing light codes, inspirational projects, lucrative ideas, and healthy children onto the planet. You feel your heart is naturally open and receptive to other women in your community, and you know your dharma is to serve the Divine feminine. You are ready to use your intuitive gifts and share your clair senses with the world, bringing your visions and manifestations to life! You are a wild and raw woman who is ready to witness others discover their inner magic. You are ready to come together to amplify and purify the hearts and minds of Maidens, Mothers, and Crones, creating a ripple effect that will shift the way we relate with the world, our bodies, and all our relations. You are thirsting and praying for harmony and peace on this planet, and hold a clear dream and vision of living connected to a gentler, more simpler way of life. The pendulum is swinging and you feel big shifts happening. You want to feel supported through the shifts and offer support to others, being a catalyst, wayshower and compassionate helper. You’re curious about your moon blood and want to connect more deeply with your cycle. Women often come to you with their troubles and want your advice, and you love contributing to a matrifocal way of living in your community. You are ready to weave your inner-knowing into reality and step boldly into your power to co-create by awakening your womb oracle. You are ready to ignite your passion and pleasure to serve, and are devoted to unlocking the ancient mysteries of the Feminine along the way, leaving no stone unturned on your own personal quest of embodying your soul and living in alignment with the Divine.

In this comprehensive journey of self discovery and mentorship training, three alchemical womb guides, Sakura, Shanaia and Madison, will lead you into the depths of your soul to heal your feminine wounds and ancestral lineage, integrate your shadows, and become masterful at knowing yourself to the core. Once you dig deeper into your own internal landscapes, you will receive the blueprints you need to step into and claim your own gifts as leader; healer; medicine woman and womb guide, awakening other women to the magic of their own unique essence, womb power and embodied confidence.

During this 9 month Temple Training you will be showered with practical tools, powerful practices, psychological and spiritual teachings, and reflection questions that will provide you with a roadmap to becoming a guiding light and pillar of support for other women in your community, As we move through this journey together, you will be held in a supportive group container infused with love, safety, and a reference point of authentic sisterhood that is bound to heal, awaken and inspire your greatest potential as you step into and claim your leadership role in service to our humanity!

🌹 Heal your own body, mind, and spirit and step into your purpose as a conscious co-creator with the Divine.
🌹 Connect with and awaken your womb presence, healing trauma imprints and your ancestral lineage.
🌹 Unlearn societal norms and toxic traits, exploring the shadow and light sides of the feminine.
🌹 Tune into the spiritual essence and teachings of pregnancy, birth, miscarriage and death.
🌹 Develop spiritual protection, learning how to energetically cleanse and uphold strong boundaries.
🌹 Live in tune with the cycles of the Earth, embodying your inner cycles and their archetypal wisdom.
🌹 Access and activate the power and revelation of your moonblood and soul sexuality.
🌹 Retrieve your medicine and discover your soul gifts and innate essence.
🌹 Learn how to structure and create your own transformational circles and Rite of Passage Ceremonies.
🌹 Release fears and programs blocking your Divine Feminine leadership and Earth stewardship.
🌹 Step into the magick of authentic marketing and manifestation, aligning your compass to sacred service.
🌹Experience the power and miracle of opening, holding and closing sacred space and energetic portals.
🌹 Behold the power of women gathering in a nurturing, supportive and heart-centered container, healing sisterhood wounds.
🌹 Embody radiance, magnetism, vitality and awaken your womb’s creative and generative power.
🌹 And so much more that will become known through the power and mystery of your soul’s presence !

In this Training you will;

Course Outline

First Stage: Heal Thyself (Budding Phase)

Module 1: Womb Awakening: Connecting with & Awakening your Womb Presence  

Module 2: Lineage: Bridging the Ancestors 

Module 3: Womb Clearing: Shadow Work & Wounds Of The Feminine 

Module 4: Spiritual Hygiene : Boundaries & Energetic Protection

Module 5: Moon Cycle Attunement:  Living in Tune with the Cycles of the Moon; Archetypal Wisdom & the Power of Moonblood

Module 6: Soul Purpose:  Accessing your Gifts, Retrieving your Medicine & Discovering your Soul Essence.

Second Stage: Sacred Leadership (Blooming Phase)

Module 7: Womb Oracle: Soul Alignment & Connecting to your Inner Compass

Module 8: Womb Healing: Releasing Fears & Programs Blocking your Divine Feminine Leadership 

Module 9: Sacred Space Keeper: Holding a Safe & Sacred Container

Module 10: Womb Guide Facilitation: Structure of Facilitating a Successful Ceremony

Module 11: Spiritual Womb Guide: Spirit of Guiding a Successful Ceremony 

Module 12: Marketing Manifestation; Business Magnetics, Authentic Co-Creation & Practicum

What you Receive

  • 20 Live Group Calls and Sharing Circles: We will meet every 3 weeks for live group video calls on Thursdays at 2:00pm PST. Sakura, Shanaia and Madison will take turns leading the calls and transmitting the teaching and course content for the following weeks. These calls will be recorded and sent out afterwards for future viewings.

  • Learning Material: New modules of the course will be released every 3 weeks on a self-guided learning platform. Each module will contain an assortment of written & printable workbooks, videos, guided meditations, breath work, womb work, psychological self work, reflection questions, rituals, playlists, and other bonus material. You can work through it at your own pace and go as deep as you want to go with the practices.

  • Community: We are not meant to do this work alone. As we gather and share this heart and womb centered wisdom in a space with other women, we acknowledge the ripple effects and impacts we have on our future generations, as well as the ones who have come before us. The sisters we journey with through this experience are invited to deepen into this work by weaving their voice and presence in a private online portal; giving and receiving support from their lived experience.

  • Certification: After completing your practicum at the end of our training, you will be qualified as a certified Red Tent Mystery School, Womb Guide, and have your name and offerings shared on our website to further support your growing community.

The Exchange

Regular Enrollment: $6750 $750/month for 9 months
With 12 payments= $562.50/month

Our Totem:
The Barn Owl

Her presence inspires wisdom, intuition, supernatural power, independent thinking and observant listening. Her medicine is symbolically associated with clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral projection, and magic.

Barn owls hold the courage to navigate the unknown and unseen realms, bringing consciousness to the unconscious and helping us find the parts of ourselves that have been forgotten, neglected, and banished.

She will help us find exactly what we need, uncovering our unique soul gifts, helping us receive more clarity and accuracy as we focus on our goals with greater precision, depth and insight.

Meet Your Guides

  • Madison Desjarlais


    Madison Desjarlais is a womb healer and highly renowned birth attendant in the lower mainland area of British Columbia. She is the creatrix behind the Ode To Birth community and assists many women on their journey from Maiden into Mother. Her high vibrational offerings including monthly La Luna Gathering’s, Village Prenatal Circles, and private healing sessions to offer those with a womb a sacred foundation. She trusts all women can birth ideas, projects, and the future generation of children in full sovereignty. It is her dharma to continue being a lighthouse for every woman who reaches out to her for support. Explore more of Madison’s work

  • Kelsea Shanai'a Rai


    Kelsea Shanai’a Rai holds up a compassionate and empathetic mirror of embodiment. Through her integrative style of leading womb work, she helps women from around the world awaken and own their power, sexuality, worth and embodied feminine wisdom. She has awakened deep innate wisdom, forming a masterful tool box of both scientific and spiritual knowledge, supporting her clients to radically shift their lives, from the inside out. Her passion is fueled by facilitating rite of passage ceremonies, working alchemically with the rose, and guiding women to integrate their shadows, embody their wholeness and help them return to their original blueprint of innocence. Explore more of Shanai’a’s work

  • Sakura Rose


    Sakura Rose is a ceremonialist, feminine embodiment guide and womb mentor. She is devoted to assisting others in their sacred transformations. Sakura is a past business coach, industrial designer and world-renowned entrepreneur that pivoted five years ago to delve deep within the mystery teachings of the divine feminine to heal trauma imprints within her womb. She has been dedicated to deepening in womb wisdom, healing and reclamation and her priestess path within the rose sisterhood lineage. Sakura facilitates Red Tent ceremonies and is a plant spirit practitioner working with the medicines of kambo, flower essences and herbalism and is the founder of Divinity Rising. Explore more of Sakura’s work

Our Red Tent Mystery School is a portal for Divine Feminine codes to land and become embodied, so that creativity and femininity can grow and flourish through all stages and phases of our lives as women.

Become a Certified Red Tent Womb Guide

Receive the Initiation and Claim your Soul’s Work

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our live calls will take place on Thursdays at 2:00pm PST every 2 weeks beginning on November 2nd, 2023

  • Yes, calls will be sent out within a couple of days of being recorded and posted on the course pages.

  • After you sign up, you will have access to a welcome package, a questionnaire, and some notes on how to prepare for the course before we begin.

  • All content will be available for the duration of the course, and available to download for a lifetime!

  • Please feel welcome to contact us with any questions and we will be happy to help.